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On the morning of June 18, a special freight train loaded with Russian timber arrived in Xuzhou. This marks the successful opening of the first train from Russia to Xuzhou, and the zero breakthrough fo…
In order to strengthen the communication with Chinas international freight forwarding enterprises, research in-depth has been carried out for healthy development by the Service and Trade Department of …
The 25th anniversary celebration of ADP Shanghai and the Spring Festival Party of 2019 was held in Shanghai Baohua Marriott Hotel on January 12, 2019. Mr. Lao, the President of ADP Shanghai, delivered …
The event of China 5th "National Excellent Customs Declaration Enterprise and Excellent Customs Declarer" organized by the China Customs Brokers Association has entered into the public notice…
Good news! ADP has won the honorary title of "National Advanced Logistics Enterprise 2018" awarded by China Communications and Transport Association.Sponsored by the China Communications and …
Year of 2018 marks the third year that ADP has funded "U Go for Charity". 30 children from five schools in province of Guangxi, Gansu and Guizhou have been invited to Shanghai for the summer …
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